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from my ARCHives

Chris&Wayne, lives on a street line. USA

From 1997 to 2000 I documented the life of Chris and Wayne a homeless/drug addict couple in Spanish Harlem, New York. I tried to go beyond the surfaces and bring back moments of intimacy and love.

Kamathipura, India

Asia’s biggest red-light district Kamathipura, is in South Mumbai, India.  A poor neighbour where brothels and families share small living spaces, deprived of sanitary system and running water.

I spend 2003 sharing the life of some of the sex workers, we watched Indian movies on a small black and white tv, they told me their stories, hopes, dream.

I love you. USA

When Rama died the only thing, I could do was to remember. I followed the flow of my memories. I followed the rhythm of my heart, going back and forth from the last moment to the first talk, waves of life…

The photographs I took during the year that we spent together were my attempt to immobilize life and forget that an end might come sooner than I wanted.

North Uganda, Africa


When war comes home. USA

Deployment to Iraq and grieving families NY 2004

The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the first stage of the war.I photographed those precious moments before leaving for the front and the pain for those who never returned.


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